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Age of Sigmar: How to Play Gloomspite Gitz

4 Minute Read
Jul 6 2024

Today take a look at the basics of how to play Age of Sigmar Gloomspite Gitz – Gobbos, Squigs, and Troggs!

What binds the Gloomspite Gitz various factions together is the Bad Moon, who they follow across the skies and across the battlefield. Your army can contain anything from stinking Troggoths, venomous Spiders, or bouncing squigs, to ravenous wolves, mushroom men, and noble knights (dank ones at least). If you want to play an eclectic army that is fun and hilarious, you’ll want to check out these gloomy gooses.

Who are the Gloomspite Gitz?

Gloomspite Gitz are a loose coalition of Gitmob Grots, Moonclan Grots, Spiderfang Grots and Troggoths united by their worship of the Bad Moon. They seek to bring about the Everdank, an era perpetual twilight of moistened befoulment that would see the the Gloomspite Gitz conquer the surface worlds in Gorkamorka’s name.

Moonclan are a type of deranged Grots that dwell in the subterranean regions of the Mortal Realms and pray to Gorkamorka and the Bad Moon. They breed wild Squigs, strange creatures who bounce and eat anything they can get their maws on. Gloomspite Gitz  invade the holds of both Chaos and Order. They make giant bonfires to dance around in the moonlight before returning to their caves at dawn.

Why Play Gloomspite Gitz?

The gloomy guys are a lot of fun and have a variety of buffs and built-in recursion mechanics. You have a wide variety of ways to build the army- either mixing things together or leaning heavy into Troggs, Squigs, or Spiders. While there are differences in so many unit types, recursion and hitting above their weight-class is common to all of them.

Gloomspite Gitz Strengths

  • Numbers- Unless you are running full Troggoths (who still have a ton of wounds), you will have a lot more models than your opponent.
  • Unit variety- large number of units to compete in all phases of the game- spells, combat, and shooting are all on the menu.
  • Recursion

Gloomspite Gitz Weaknesses

  • Nothing very tough.
  • Susceptible to point increases- because you field so many units, any seasonal increases will add up faster.


Signature Gloomspite Gitz Rules

Battle Traits

  • Under the Light of Da Bad Moon/Da Bad Moons Orbit– these two rules explain both the impact of being under the light of the moon for various units and the way in which the moon moves across the battlefield.

Battle Formations

  • Squigalanche– Squigs get plus 1 gob attacks on the charge.
  • Troggherd– Troggs Heal(D3) every time they Fight.
  • Moonclan Skrap– three Moonclan units can pile-in and have a chance of dealing mortal wounds at the end of any turn.
  • Spiderfang Stalktribe– allows Spidergang units to hitch a ride and deploy off board with a Skitterstrand Arachnarok

Featured Heroic Trait

  • Loontouched– makes the unit a Wizard or increases power level if they already are.

Featured Artefact

  • Clammy Cowl– still a classic -1 to hit.

Key Gloomspite Gitz Units

There are quite a few warscrolls in the battletome, so here’s a quick rundown.

Skragrott the Loonking

An incredibly powerful, Unique two-cast Wizard and arguably the face of the faction, Skragrott is nearly an auto-include in the Gloomspite army. That is true even if you are doing something like using all Troggoths. His other great ability is controlling the movement of the moon.

Loonboss on Mangler Squigs

While it isn’t super tough, the Boss on Mangler Squigs puts out a lot of damage and buff Squig units very nicely.

Boingrot Bounderz

Boingrotz are a great and fun cavalry option! They hit very hard on the charge, doing both mortals and gaining Damage on their Pokin’ Lances.


Rockgut Troggoths

These guys are very tough and hit hard. Their rock skin gives them a solid ward save and they even have a shooting attack!

Grot Shootas/Stabbas

Shootas are a nice little shooting unit- one that definitely feels that the quantity of shots has a quality all its own. You can even use them in huge Mobs of forty!
On the other hand Stabbas have a great passive debuff in combat and take bonuses to their attacks very well.



Sample Gloomspite Gitz Army

Faction: Gloomspite Gitz
– Battle Formation: Troggherd

Regiment 1
6 Rockgut Troggoths
Dankhold Troggboss
6 Rockgut Troggoths
6 Rockgut Troggoths
Regiment 2
Fungoid Cave Shaman
20 Shootas
20 Stabbas



~Follow the Moooon!

Author: Allen Campbell
  • Age of Sigmar: How to Play Hedonites of Slaanesh