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How to Play Chaos Daemons in Warhammer 40K

6 Minute Read
Jun 13 2023

Today take a look at some basics of how to play and get started with Warhammer 40k Chaos Daemons – the Neverborn in 10th Edition.

The Chaos Daemons are the essence of the Chaos gods. Their sole purpose is to serve the purposes of their dark masters in the Galaxy. Denizens of the Warp, Chaos Damons spill into real space to wreak destruction at every opportunity.  As one of the widest factions in Warhammer 40,000, the Chaos Daemons have an impressively large unit roster, which is thankfully trimmed down based on what god you choose to follow.

So below we will offer some tips on how to play Daemons and how to get started with the army.

Who Are The Chaos Daemons?

Daemons are entities of the Warp, and servants of the Gods of Chaos. They are created at the whim of a Chaos god from a fraction of the god’s own power and act as an extension of their will. A daemon’s appearance and character reflect the god’s own nature.

Being an entity of the Warp, a daemon cannot exist for long periods of time in realspace. No more than a mortal can survive unprotected in warp space. There are a few ways a daemon can breach the walls separating warp from real space and gain entry into the mortal universe. Daemons who are banished back to the Warp have their pride wounded and face mockery by their peers. In order to regain their form, the banished Daemon must remain in some sort of purgatorial state within its master’s realm for an indeterminate period of time depending on the whims of their master and the circumstances of their banishment.

In order to enter real space in greater numbers Daemons need to use Warp rifts. These are breaches in the fabric of reality that can vary in nature and size. At times a Daemon can possess a mortal and turn him into a portal through which whole hosts can pass. These daemonic incursions can taint real space severely, often twisting and reshaping whole planets until they are lost and turned into Daemon Worlds.

Why Play Chaos Daemons

Chaos Daemons assault Astra Militarum


The Chaos Daemons are almost totally unique in Warhammer 40K. They have very close to zero shooting capability. This means their points are efficiently focused on bodies and close combat. Do you like hordes? Amazing daemonic characters? Do you want to conquer the Galaxy for the Dark Gods? Daemons might just be your faction.

Strengths of the Chaos Daemons Army

  • Close combat!
  • Numbers. You will almost always outnumber your opponent, even if you take multiple Greater Daemons.
  • Monsters.

Weakness of the Chaos Daemons Army

  • Shooting. As mentioned above, very few units even have a shooting profile of any kind.
  • Deceptive choice. Though there is a huge number of units in the Codex, you will almost always be dedicated to one of the Chaos Gods. This means the roster isn’t actually as big as it seems.

Tyranids battle Chaos Daemons

Chaos Daemons Army Rules

  • The Shadow of Chaos: as you control more of the battlefield, it falls further under your thrall, making failed battleshock much harsher on the enemy.

Chaos Daemon Detachment Rules- Daemonic Incursion

  • Rules: The Warp Rifts rule allows your units to set up danger-close in your Shadow of Chaos.
  • Enhancements: Each of the four enhancements for Daemons are locked to a certain Chaos God.
  • Stratagems: Chaos Daemon stratagems mostly have situational utility- none are overwhelmingly powerful.

Key Chaos Daemons Units To Know

The army has a sizable unit roster and knowing what units to take can be tricky. Here are some suggestions to get you off on the right track.



Chaos Daemons Be'lakor the Dark Master
The biggest and baddest Daemon Prince in the Galaxy, the Dark Prince is truly the Dark Master, with anything nearby counting as being under the Shadow of Chaos.  Definitely the best centerpiece the faction has to offer.

Lord of Change

Chaos Daemons Tzeentch Lord of Change

A big psychic chicken, the Greater Daemon of Tzeentch is a magical master. A Lord of Change will rarely not be obnoxious for your opponent (and that just may be a good thing!).



The Bloodthirster may just be the biggest damaging beatstick in the faction- but he still enjoys a nice aura that buffs Khorne Daemons.



Chaos Daemons Horrors of Tzeentch
The lesser Daemons of the Tzeentch army. Remember what I said about almost no one having a shooting attack? Well, they have one!


The Bloodletter bring their very effective Hellblades to bear with re-rolls thanks to Blood Begets Blood.

Other Units


Chaos Daemons Screamers of Tzeentch
Tzeentch’s lampreys. These guys are fast and have a nasty bite (literally!)


Chaos Daemons Flamers of Tzeentch
Arguably the best shooting unit the army has to offer. These guys are very, very hot, and hold up many Chaps Daemons armies by themselves.


They have a large number of strong attacks and are much more resilient on combat than they look, thanks to Soporific Musk.

Plague Drones

Very tough and reasonably fast (very by Nurgle standards), their Death’s Heads synergize well with close combat Nurgle units.



These big Daemon robo-walkers are pretty neat. They have good shooting, hit very hard in combat, and get neat shooting for being dedicated to one of the Dark Gods.


The least of the Lesser Daemons of Nurgle, mischievous Nurglings are very useful due to their ability to be deployed anywhere on the battlefield, and generally, be irritating to remove. Get them into a gunline and see their Mischief Makers aura shine.

Flesh Hounds

Let loose the dogs of war! Flesh Hounds are the dogs of Khorne, and they make a great flanking force. They hit fast and hard against light troops.

Chaos Daemons Army attacks Ultramarines

Sample Starter Warhammer 40k Chaos Daemons Army

Army: Chaos Daemons

Lord of Change. One Model. They are equipped with: Bolt of Change staff of Tzeentch, Rod of Sorcery.

Lord of Change. One Model. They are equipped with: Bolt of Change, staff of Tzeentch, Rod of Sorcery.


Pink Horrors. Ten Models. Each model is equipped with: coruscating flames. One model has an Icon

Pink Horrors. Ten Models. Each model is equipped with: coruscating flames. One model has an Icon

Pink Horrors. Ten Models. Each model is equipped with: coruscating flames. One model has an Icon

Flamers. Six Models. Each model is equipped with: flickering flames, flamer mouths.

Chaos Daemons Logo

How to Play Chaos Daemons

There are so many permutations of this army, that it is difficult to overview all the tactics that they can play into, but there are some universal truths. Generally speaking, this army will attempt, and sometimes struggle with, getting into close combat with the enemy (Tzeentch excluded). Fortunately, there are a number of rules to assist with this. Learn to get into combat relatively intact and quickly with this army, and things become much easier.

All hail the Primoridal Annihilator!


Author: Allen Campbell
  • How to Play Blood Angels in Warhammer 40K