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It’s Morphing Time! Recruit A Team of Power Ranger Games And Merch with Attitude!

4 Minute Read
Jun 22 2024

Power Rangers will always be cool and anyone who says otherwise is going to face my dino power!

Power Rangers: Heroes of The Grid

Like any good aging millenial nerd, I will die on the hill that Rita Repulsa was the best Power Rangers villain, even though I don’t know any of the other ones except Lord Zedd, who was also fine. But both of which I barely remember at all anyway. Point being, in Power Rangers: Heroes of The Grid you and your fellow Rangers work together to battle against the best villain the series (probably) ever produced! But there is also a ton of expansions, if you do wanna try taking on other lesser villains, for some reason.

Each player controls a single ranger, with their own set of skills in the form of a unique combat deck representing their skills and fighting style. As the rangers defeat enemies, they’ll unlock Zord cards which will be imperative as they take on the final enemy Master with the Megazord!

Power Rangers Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook

It’s hard to say if Avatar Legends RPG started the trend of turning children’s entertainment into RPGs or was just the most popular in the bunch. Well, I could look it up. But this is the Internet, we don’t do that here. Anyway, that said, it should come as no surprise that Power Rangers also has a tabletop RPG as well.

This is a the full rulebook for everything you and your friends need to start defending Angel Grove from whatever monsters might show up. There’s rules for creating your own ranger combining personal traits, childhood influences, and, most importantly, your chosen Ranger color to make a hero worthy of the Power!

Power Rangers Deck-Building Game

You didn’t expect there to be three separate Power Rangers games in this list, did you? I mean, you probably didn’t really think about it at all. But either way, the Power Rangers Deck Building Game is right what it says on the tin, a deck builder.

Some players will be Power Rangers, while others will be villains. Everyone starts out with a pretty boring and bad deck. But during the course of the game, they’ll add cards to their deck until they can finally unleash a powerful Megazord or Master attack! Just like the other titles in this list, there’s a bunch of other expansions for more heroes and villains!

Mighty Morphin Megazord Megapack

I promised some toys and merch, so here we go. I don’t care what the recommended age is for this Megazord. It rules. If Optimus Prime is cool because he transforms, this is fives times cooler, because it transforms five times and it has dinosaurs which are objectively cooler than trucks. If you disagree, meet me in the playground after school, by the sandbox and we’ll see what’s up.

Power Rangers Hooded Costume Sweatshirt

I always like a little subtlety to my merch. Sure, you can wear a t-shirt that just says POWER RANGERS!, but that’s only going to draw the attention of fake fans. Oh, you like Power Rangers? Name every color.

This hoodie isn’t going to draw the attention of any geek off the street. You gotta be handy with the merch, if you know what I mean. Only real fans will double take when they see you walking by. It’s 100% cotton, so it’ll be nice and cozy on those cold winter nights battling Goldar.


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Author: Matt Sall
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