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Let’s Play D&D With ‘The Boys’ Sister Sage, the Smartest Person on the Planet

3 Minute Read
Jun 24 2024

She’s the smartest woman… no… person on the planet about about to be the smartest person in your game. Let’s play D&D with Sister Sage.

This season The Boys introduced a few brand new characters including the frustratingly intelligent Sister Sage. She’s ruining everyone’s plans in the show. And if you play your cards right, she can ruin all of your DM’s plans, too. Because isn’t making your DM want to flip the table secretly one of the most parts of D&D? Let’s stay one step ahead of the pack when we play D&D with…

Sister Sage

via Amazon

If we’re being honest, Sister Sage is a little bit of a one trick pony. She’s very very smart, but that’s more or less her one thing. We’ve made other very-smart characters before who will also throw a punch when needed. But Sage isn’t that character. Her brain is her whole thing…

And if you’re a player who really enjoys min-maxing, that’s perfect. Finally, a reason to not fudge those dump stats to be a little less of a dump. Strength?  Who needs it! Dexterity? Bold of you to assume we’ll be anywhere near the fight. It’s all about the Intelligence and Wisdom today.

I made her a Mastermind Rogue because it fits perfectly. And in her new role as Vought’s unofficial chief executive and Homelander’s only strategy advisor, she’s literally the mastermind behind everything happening this season. Well, almost everything. Homeland has gone rogue a few times, and you can tell it’s really grating on Sage to have to plan around him.

I gave her a series of feats that we’re very based in intelligence, wisdom, observation… You know. All of the seeing and noticing and knowing skills. But I also gave her empathetic because she is surprisingly good at convincing people to listen to her and do what she says. Her bluntness makes her rude and absolutely tanks her Charisma score… But she’s still earning the respect and adoration of everyone on her team. She knows what people are thinking and she knows exactly what to say to make them see the truth. And the truth is that she is right a hundred percent of the time.

Background was a bit hard for Sister Sage, but I opted for Folk Her since she was in the Teenage Kix. It didn’t last long, but her name is out there and she was picked up by The Seven because of it. And as for her alignment, the evil comes from her working with Vought and Homelander… But I get the impression that she’d just as happily be working for The Boys or anyone else who’s mission seemed like an interesting enough challenge. I don’t think she’s invested in mission as much as a perfectly executed plan.


How would you make Sister Sage for a D&D setting? What do you think of this season of The Boys so far? What movie, show, comic, game, or book should we make sheets from next time? Let us know in the comments!

Happy adventuring!

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