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LotR: ‘Rings of Power’ Season Two Has Added Tom Bombadil… Why, Exactly?

4 Minute Read
May 30 2024

Amazon Prime revealed its newest character, and why in the name of the Valar is Rings of Power adding old Tom Bombadil?!

It’s the big news—long-rumored, Amazon Prime confirmed that Tom Bombadil is joining the Rings of Power season two. The fun-loving nature… spirit? Elder God? He’s gonna show up in season two and do some stuff.

I won’t mince words here—I hate this and I think it’s a bad call.

Yes, This is Straying From the Books

Just last week, I wrote about how maybe Rings of Power Season Two could be a turning point for the show—but only if it keeps the plot closer to the books. But Prime Studios just had to go and announce, that no, thank you, they won’t be doing that.

That’s my first big worry here—bringing in Tom takes us away from any storyline that Tolkien wrote about. Now, we don’t really know what old Bombadil was doing during the Second Age. It’s said he watched the Hobbits first settle the Shire, and I suppose maybe this is all leading to that? But timeline wise (as if Rings of Power cares about that) we are well before that event. 

Certainly the shots of his location don’t bare much resemblance to the Shire. Since he’s going to meet the Stranger we can guess that he is living somewhere around Rhûn. All of this means that Tom is bringing another tacked-on storyline that is totally made up to the season. He’s also just… a new and very complicated character in an already-cluttered show.

READ MORE: Ring-a-ding dillo! All About Tom Bombadil

What’s Old Tom Going to Do?

This all brings us to the question of just what Tom is going to do? What does he add to the show? Now while we don’t 100% know what he was up to in period, one thing is pretty clear—he doesn’t get involved. He’s got his home to mind.

In fact, in Lord of the Rings he only helps the Hobbits because they travel through his land. Mind you, this is a being over whom the One Ring hold no power. And yet he never seems to get involved. Through his long history, which is at least as old as Middle Earth’s, he sits out all of the big fights. 

So  in The Rings of Power what is Tom Bombadil gonna to do? Best case is that he’s only in it for a very short period of time. In this peek, the Stranger—and one assumes Nori—pay him a quick visit. Maybe its not even intentional.


Much like in The Lord of the Rings they just stop in with him, say hi, it’s all kind of weird, and then they go on their merry way. A short cameo and all the talk about him being in the season and pre-production stuff will be remembered as a little overblown.

The Worst Case

In the worst case, Tom will be a big part of the season. In this scenario, rather than just having a brief brush with the story, Tom… gets involved. If this happens, the Tom we see on screen really won’t be the same Tom Bombadil from the books. Rings of Power probably won’t completely change a characters plot or personality, right?

If this happens we have to ask… why Tom? If you don’t want to use the book Tom, then why use Tom at all? Sure, you’ve made the Bombadiliacs happy—but they aren’t going to be forgive a poor adaptation.

Oh, Also Tom Just Looks Bad

On top of all the plot and story worries, I just don’t think the Tom we are seeing looks very good.

First off, we’ve got a not-amazing wig and beard combo. Anyone else getting Tom Berenger in Gettysburg vibes? Just me? But given how goofy Annatar’s hair looks in the trailer, maybe that’s just par for the course.


I’ll give Amazon some credit, though—at least they’ve tried to keep to Tom’s iconic outfit. He does have a big hat, blue coat, and kinda-yellow boots. It’s very muted, though. He looks more “generic fantasy wizard” than a colorful hippie nature sprite. But an attempt was made.

But worse than the muted colors is just how serious he looks. There’s no smiling or singing happening here. Just a bunch of serious and pensive looks. Tom Bombadil is a being that can see The One Ring, know what it is and what is at stake, and crack an airy joke about it. He’s a lighthearted, colorful, silly dude. He is so wierd that most adaptations of The Lord of Rings cut him out. A pensive, serious, muted Bombadillo is a mistake. He’s #notmyTom.

Also, where the hell is Goldberry? 

Let us know what you think about adding Eldest to the show.

Author: Abe Apfel
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