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‘Warhammer: The Old World’- The Five Best Elite Heavy Infantry Units

6 Minute Read
Jun 12 2024

Take a look at some awesome heavy infantry units from Warhammer: The Old World to punch up your list.

We’ve all had our hands on The Old World for a bit. The game is starting to shake out. We’ve gotten a decent look at what is good and bad and how people like to play. The truth is as things are shaking out infantry, are kind of on the bottom of the pile. However this doesn’t mean all infantry is bad at all. I already looked at some very basic infantry that might still be worth taking. But on top of that we do need to take a look at more elite types of infantry. These are in a bit of a better spot, while they still suffer from being slow and not getting the charge off a lot, they bring a lot more to the table. These are units you are far more likely to see and build an army about.

These tend to be units that can both take and deal out good damage and, while costly, can be important to armies. So lets take a look at these units. I’m going to split elite infantry up into heavy and light groups, and focus on heavy today as they play a different role. I’m also leaving out monstrous infantry for their own. Lastly today, we are going to focus on the Core 9 nine armies and on units that can fight in combat.

5. Bestigors

Bestigors, as we all know, are the best of the Gors. That being said, stats-wise, they don’t really stack up all that amazingly to most of the other elite heavy infantry on this list. While they have the very important S&T 4, they only rock a single attack and can’t get better than a 5+ save. These are pretty big bummers, and I would normally take them out of the running for me. But they have a few pretty nice buffs. Warband is a great rule, and they have the option to upgrade to both Veteran and Stubborn, making them a very reliable unit. On top of that Move 5 makes them pretty fast for heavy infantry. Combined with the re-roll from Warband, they’ve got the best charge chances on the list. Still I think they are the bottom of this list.

4. Black Orcs

A step up from Bestigors, we have the ever-popular Black Orcs. These are true heavy infantry and can take a real hit. They’ve got S&T 4- which is great. They’ve also got a base 4+ save with full plate and the option to take shields for a sweet 3+ save. They can also swap things up with an extra hand weapon or a great weapon (though Choppa also means going hand weapon and shield isn’t bad). Motley Crew actually lets them mix and match for some interesting combos.

Their big downside is being stuck at a single attack base. Yes, they can take two hand weapons for an extra attack, but that has its own downsides. They do gain an attack on the charge, but that’s a lot harder to count on. Still they have the option to get more than one attack. They also have the option, for one unit to upgrade to Stubborn and/or Veteran, both great rules. Quell Animosity also gives them a good place in an army.


3. Ironbreakers

Let’s turn away from the Ravening Hordes for a bit and take a look at the great heavy infantry the good guys get, it’s a much… shorter… list. Dwarf’s, of course, clearly make up a chunk of that list. For diversity’s sake, however, I’m going to focus on what I think is the best of the elite Dwarven Heavy Infantry – Ironbreakers. These guys are a tough unit, with Full Plate and shields they rock a 3+ save and can re-roll 1s on their saves. They also get a native 6+ ward save vs non-magical attacks – and have some options to improve that if needed. S&T 4 and WS 5 mean they are hard to hit and wound and make a lot of saves. Stubborn and Shieldwall mean they can take a charge and stop it.

Their main trade-off is when it comes to offensive power. They are stuck with a single S4 attack. Gromrill weapons does bump this to AP -1 at least. I think for this reason a lot of people will go for Hammerers instead, they hit harder and when charged get two attacks. That seems to make them better, but I would argue it doesn’t. The issue with Hammers is going from a 3+/6++ to a 5+ save. Despite their extra attacks, the Hammerers rarely actually get to make them. They are also more vulnerable to shooting. Ironbreakers on the other hand, play the long game. In particular, using them with the Master Rune of Hesitation to get rid of lancers/cav spears, can really tank the AP of the enemy. They can also take Irondarke detachments, which gives them some extra flexibility.  Of the Dwarf units they are the ones I’d take.

2. Swordmasters of Hoeth

It might be time for another hot take. High Elfs also have a good stock of Elite “Heavy” (For Elves) Infantry. Of them, to me, the best one, and really the one worth taking, has got to be Swordmasters. Now, a lot of people go for Phoenix Guard, but they just don’t cut it for me.


On the face of it Swordmasters kind of seem on the weak side. S&T 3 is a big downside, and they are stuck with only a 5+ save. This is a fragile unit. They also only have a single attack. All of those things should kick them off the list. Even getting a 6++ save vs non-magical shooting only helps a little. So why are they on this list? Well, it’s mostly for their weapon and speed. With I6 and a +1I on the first round of combat they will normally strike either at the same time, or often first, even when charged. You have to be base I5 to hit before them and there aren’t a lot of non-elf units that are. This means the vast majority of the time they will be getting full attacks even when charged. And with S5 AP -2 attacks that are going to hit pretty much any non-character in the game a 3+ these attacks matter. Cleaving blow doesn’t hurt and HE have good options to give them a second attack.

In Warhammer: The Old World, the truth is: most of the time infantry are going to get charged. Swordmasters are one of the few units for who that doesn’t matter a ton. Put them in a nice line and cav will think twice about going into them.

1. Chosen Warriors Of Chaos

And here we come to it, probably the Ur-Example of Elite Heavy Infantry. Chosen Warriors of Chaos have it all. S&T 4, WS 5. Access to a 3+ save and a native 6++ save. Two attacks base. The choice of extra hand weapons, great weapons or even halberds. Stubborn, Drilled and a choice of marks. This a brick of a unit that can be super tank-y, has a scary punch and can be super flexible. Any way you look a them, they are pretty scary. Now, they aren’t cheap and suffer from getting charged, but boy can they lay on the hurt when used correctly.

Chaos, of course, are a bit spoiled for heavy infantry. There is a solid argument that Forsaken are actually a better choice. They are also a super strong heavy infantry choice, but just having this list be all Chaos would be a bit boring. I think Forsaken do garner an honorable mention. Unlike Chosen, who are limited to one unit and are special, they are cheaper and are a basic core unit. This makes them a really strong choice. Stacked up against each other however, Chosen come out as the more reliable unit and aren’t hampered by loner and impetuous. For that I’ve, heh, Chosen them as the top of the list.

Let us know what your list is, down in the comments! 


Author: Abe Apfel
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