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Valyrian Steel and the Weapons of the Noble Houses of Westeros

5 Minute Read
Jun 23 2024

Valyrian steel is rare and prized by the noble houses for its abilities and beauty. And it has a history older than Westeros itself.

The metal was initially forged in the days of the Valyrian Freeholds, a power that controlled over half the known world before it was destroyed by a volcanic eruption (The Doom). Valyrian steel was forged with dragon fire and magic that’s been lost, so the process is no longer replicable. Due to this lost method, Valyrian steel and dragonglass are among the few materials that can kill White Walkers.

It can hold an edge that is sharp forever without the need to be honed, making it the ideal material for swords and daggers. It’s also lightweight, exceptionally strong, and has a distinct visible rippled pattern that sets it apart from standard steel.

Since the destruction of the freeholds, Valyrian steel weapons have become heirlooms of Westeros’ noble houses like Stark, Tarly, and Lannister. Not all of them have made it through the many battles and wars that have occurred throughout history.

Spoilers for ‘House of the Dragon’ and ‘Game of Thrones’ below

Ancient Valyrian Freeholds after The Doom

There are two Valyrian steel objects from the books that we haven’t seen on screen: Lady Forlorn (the sword of House Corbray) and Brightroar (the ancestral sword of House Lannister). There’s still a chance for these to show up in House of the Dragon and the planned projects set on the Song of Ice and Fire timeline.

Valyrian Steel in House of the Dragon


Blackfyre was wielded by Aegon the Conqueror (the same Targaryen that built the Iron Throne) during the Targaryen Conquest of the Seven Kingdoms. It became the ancestral sword of the house and was passed between kings and princes. In House of the Dragon, it resides with King Viserys I Targaryen. In the time between the two shows, the sword is lost generations later during the Blackfyre Rebellion.

Valyrian Steel
via HBO

Dark Sister & Dragon Helmet

Dark Sister is another ancestral Valyrian steel sword of House Targaryen. It initially belonged to Visenya Targaryen, the sister-wife of Aegon the Conqueror. She was a dragon rider and a great warrior during the War of Conquest. It’s a thinner blade than Blackfyre because it is her chosen weapon, but it is just as sharp and strong. It passed to Daemon Targaryen and was also ultimately lost during the Blackfyre Rebellion.


Daemon also wears a helmet made of Valyrian steel.

Valyrian Steel
via HBO

Rhaenyra Targaryen’s Necklace

Daemon Targaryen gave his niece a necklace made of Valyrian steel containing a ruby pendant. Little is known about the history of this piece; it’s not in the books. We may see more of it in the second season of the show.

via HBO

In Game of Thrones

Aegon the Conqueror’s Dagger

“From my blood come the prince that was promised, and his will be the song of ice and fire.”


The Valyrian steel blade bears the Conqueror’s prophecy, but it has no name. The Targaryans carried it for centuries. It appears again in GoT when used by an assassin attempting to kill Bran Stark. It’s been linked to Lord Eddard Stark, Petyr Baelish, Bran Stark, and Arya Stark. The latter used it as her secondary weapon and killed the Night King with it.

In House of the Dragon, it’s seen on King Viserys I Targaryen’s belt and in possession of King Aegon II after his father’s death.

Valyrian Steel
via HBO


Traditionally the Valyrian steel sword of House Mormont. When Lord Jeor Mormont retired to take the black and command of the Night’s Watch, he gave it to his son Ser Jorah Mormont. He ended up in exile for selling poachers into slavery. When he left, Longclaw went to his sister Maege. She eventually returned it to him during his service at the Wall. There it went to Jon Snow for saving Mormont’s life. The sword’s pommel was remade, replacing the bear with a direwolf.

Valyrian Steel


The sword of House Tarly of Horn Hill. In The Game of Thrones, Samwell Tarly took the sword from its home and headed to Oldtown. There, he worked at the Citadel. He gave it to Ser Jorah Mormont after saving him from Greyscale, who wielded it in the Battle of Winterfell and died defending Daenerys Targaryen.

via HBO

Ice, Oathkeeper, and Widow’s Wail


Ice was the greatsword of House Stark. When it was captured by House Lannister (who had lost their ancestral sword centuries before), it was reforged into two new longswords. He gave one to Jaime Lannister and the other to King Joffrey I Baratheon as a wedding gift. Jamie gave it to Brienne of Tarth, who named it Oathkeeper. The other was named Widow’s Wail by Joffrey due to his abject cruelty. Jamie wielded the Valyrian steel sword after Joffrey was assassinated.

Valyrian Steel
Oathkeeper, Widow’s Wail, Ice via HBO

Author: Mars Garrett
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