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Age of Sigmar: Core Rules, Battle Profiles & More Are Up For Download

4 Minute Read
Jul 8 2024

It’s time to get your hands on the new edition of Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. The Core Rules, Battle Profiles and more are free to download!

Games Workshop has just opened the floodgates for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar as we have landed on the first major release/download day for the game. The Core Rules are up for grabs so it’s time to stop speculating and read them for yourself!

via Warhammer Community

“There are a whole bunch of crucial downloads available today, starting with the main Warhammer Age of Sigmar rules document, comprising the Core Rules, Advanced Rules, Spearhead Rules, Terrain Rules, and a Rules Glossary. “

Core Rules

Age of Sigmar Core Rules Download Here


The Core Rules are up for download and they are a 66 page affair.  The Core Rules take up pages 5-27. Then we get the Advanced Rules on page 28-40 followed by the Glossary on pages 59-64. Finally, we have the Citadel Terrain List on pages 65-66.


If you’ve been keeping up with the coverage of the new edition then (hopefully) none of this should be a huge shock. While every rule did get a good look from the GW Design Studio and there are some important changes, Age of Sigmar still feels like a “Warhammer Game” at it’s core. So if you played previous editions of AoS, WFB, or even 40k, you’ll pick this one up in no time.

Battle Profiles

“The Battle Profiles & Rules Updates document is also available, containing all of the points costs for every army, alongside rules updates, FAQs, addenda, and errata.

You’ll find unit sizes, points costs, any notes, and base sizes, plus your heroes’ regiment options, and the relevant keywords for every unit. Points for Regiments of Renown and Warhammer Legends are also included – rules for all of these will follow.”

Battle Profile and FAQ Here


The Battle Profiles are also all out and available to download. These are the points you’ll need to build your lists. For now, it’s going to be a bit of a waiting game as we don’t have all the warscrolls for the armies. Those are coming. But, in the meantime, you can at least point out a rough list based on your collection or previous army. Odds are good that you’ll at least have a pretty close idea of what you can fit in your army now that we’ve got all the points. Warscrolls might shift things a little bit but the army composition rules are actually part of the advanced rules.

Note: Check out the new “Underspending” section above…that could be important for a lot of folks building a list!

Another thing worth noting is the Rules Updates do have FAQ and Errata. Be sure to check out pages 40-47 from the Battle Profiles download as well. I’m fairly certainly that most of the FAQ and errata came out after the game was exposed to the public at major events. Players are always great sources of feedback and will think about using the rules differently than intended. Basically, it’s nice to get all those extra sets of eyes to look at the rules.

Quick Start and Spearhead

Quickstart Guide Download

The Quickstart Guide is exactly what you think it is…but better. Yes, it’s a short version of the rules breakdown. However, it’s essentially a super handy rules reference for the entire flow of the game. It’s even got Commands and other ability reminders you can use in their respective phases.


I strongly recommend you download this document and either have it available while you’re playing or print one out to have as well. Shoot, I might print one to get laminated for the new edition.

Spearhead Reference Download

Finally, we have the Spearhead Reference sheet. This one is similar to the quickstart guide but it’s only 2 pages and focuses entirely on Spearhead. If you’re going to play Spearhead I also strongly recommend you snag this one, too.

The rest of this week we’ll see the release of the various Faction Packs. So if you’re waiting on those spend some time with the rules today — it’s (almost) game time.



 The new edition is here! Time to hit the books and study up.

Author: Adam Harrison
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