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Age of Sigmar: ‘Dawnbringers’ In-Store Crusade Wraps & ‘Hel Crown’ Arrives

4 Minute Read
Jul 12 2024

The battles in the Mortal Realms are heating up. Will you fight to save Hel Crown or push for it’s destruction in Warhammer: Age of Sigmar?

Games Workshop has been track some in-store campaigns over the last few months for the wrap-up of the Dawnbringers story arc. With the arrival of the new edition we’ve got the results and this might be a teaser of things to come for the Battle of Hel Crown.

Dawnbringer Results

via Warhammer Community

“The results are now in, and 328 settlements were found and have successfully driven back the enemies of Order – though 172 were brought low, despite the desperate efforts of the God-King’s faithful. “

Yep, the forces of the Dawnbringers won this round fairly handily. It’s not quite a 2:1 ratio but it’s close all things considered. That said I think the Dawnbringers may have had a few things going in their favor with the Cities of Sigmar release. Lots of folks started up that army in the time frame of the campaign. Considering that there were loads of hobby activities you could participate in to score points, I’m not that shocked at the results.

It also helps that not only did the Cities make for a great hobby contribution but getting them on the tabletop was a boon, too. Turns out they were pretty solid as an army.


Win Rate data from March 2024, not 2023 — that’s a typo from GW.

Now, I’m not saying that the Cities of Sigmar pushed the Dawnbringer over the edge single-handedly. There’s no way that could have happened with an almost 2:1 ratio. However, it certainly didn’t hurt!

Hel Crown Ahead

So what’s going to happen with the Battle of Hel Crown? Well, that kicks off next Monday on the 15th of July. In order to participate you’ve got to get a copy of Skaventide to start.

“Each Skaventide set contains a leaflet with a QR code pointing you to a website, where you can log your contribution to the battle. At the end of the event, we will proclaim one side the winner – and fully reveal all the upcoming releases for the victorious faction, long before those of the loser.”


Now you might be thinking this will only be a Skaven vs Stormcast fight then. And that’s not entirely true. Other armies will get the chance to contribute as well.

“While the ratmen and the warriors of Sigmar battle for control of the city interior, other factions will fight to seize power in the area around Hel Crown. In addition to the results from your Skaventide boxed set, you will be able to enter battle results between all other factions at the same website, shaping the outcome of the wider struggle.”

This does sound a lot like the Battle for Oghram from 40k. Which is (probably) a good thing. It’s not the first time GW has run a Global Campaign, either. And this setup worked fairly well for 40k and I’m betting they use a similar system here. So what do I think will happen?

Hel Crown Prediction

Well last time around I figured the Space Marines would stomp the Tyranids. With all those flamers to burn off the Tyranid hordes how could they lose? By about 6% actually! So I was off on that front.

But for this one on the Age of Sigmar side of things I really have no idea. Partly because we just got the warscrolls for Order and Chaos this week and I’ve been too busy looking at the rules for my own armies to care about Stormcast and Skaven.


I also am not entirely sure how the other armies will be able to contribute their wins to the fight. I think that’s going to have a pretty large impact on the outcome, too. I think on Monday when the reporting site launches we might get a better idea of the “how” and then we’ll be able to make a better guess at the final. But hey, it’s a three week slug-fest so it really could shift around during that time.

The Dawnbringers won the last campaign pretty handily though. I’m betting those armies are still going to be around and ready to throw their weight around in the Battle for Hel Crown.

What do you think is going to happen in the Battle for Hel Crown?

Author: Adam Harrison
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