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Age of Sigmar: Five Armies I Can’t Wait To Fight In The New Edition

4 Minute Read
Jul 4 2024

Sometimes you just want to have a good ole fashioned slugfest. Here’s a few armies I can’t wait to duke it out with in Age of Sigmar.

So yesterday I wrote up a list of armies I was a little worried about facing off against. I had various reason why. Those reasons might be related to the power curve, confusing rules, or even just really tough match-ups. Today, I wanted to focus on five armies I’m actually looking forward to squaring off against in the new edition. I like a good slobberknocker fight and these armies are poised to deliver.

Sons of Behemat

Look, I know not everyone likes to fight the big, scary Mega-Gargants. Me? I love it! At least when I’m using my Slaves to Darkness army. Why? Because it’s a FAST game. It’s generally over quick because of the model counts. And it’s a BLOODY game. Things catch a case of the “DED” real quick and I appreciate a decisive fight. The Mega-Gargants can take a hit and dish it right back out. And I just have a good time against them, win or lose.

Lummineth Realm-lords

I might be kicking myself for this one later but I’m actually looking forward to gaming against the Lumineth Realm-lords in the new edition. They had a bit of a reputation in third as a rather “unfun” army to play against. There were some mechanical reasons for this but, without going into all the details, it’s what players described as a “Negative Play Experience.” Basically, when you played against them, you just didn’t get to do anything fun.

There new abilities look less like a “punishment” for your opponent to play against and more like a traditional army. I’m glad to see it. I don’t know if that’s going to appeal to the same types players as the old version or not but I think it’s going to be a better army to play both with and against.


I’m simultaneously excited and worried about fighting the Ironjawz. They lost a ton of their movement tricks (but not all of them) and gained a BUCKET of attack buffs. They have the potential to toss out more attacks than any other army in the game — at least that’s what I can gather from the faction focus. They have multiple ways to get bonus attacks. Those can be buffed further with ways to get bonus hits on crit, too. It’s just going be a ton of hits coming in and on your units. Can they weather the storm of the Ironjawz? I can’t wait to find out!


Hedonites of Slaanesh

Okay, this is another weird one and I admit it. I’m actually looking forward to playing against Hedonites of Slaanesh now because of their rules change. I think the Depravity and Temptation Dice are a neat concept. The previous edition seemed like an overly complex way to use the Temptation Dice however. This version is a lot cleaner to me and it doesn’t require your opponent to interact with it for it to do anything. Instead, the Hedonite player gets to decide if they want to use this ability and then your opponent has a risk/reward choice to make. If nothing else, this should speed the games up and I’m good with that.

Blades of Khorne

Did I mention that I like games to devolve into massive slugfests? Because I do like those types of games! The Blades of Khorne are looking to deliver in that department. I’m totally down to get my army out and crash into these blood-soaked psychos and we’ll keep fighting to see who comes out on top. Win or lose, these games are bloody affairs and that’s exactly what I want. Oh, and sometimes we remember there’s objectives on the table, too.

Honorable Mention: Slaves to Darkness


So I am a Slaves to Darkness player and this was the army I played the most in the previous edition. So I’m biased. That said, I’m definitely looking forward to the mirror match against these guys. I have a funny feeling these guys and gals are going to be all over the place in the new edition in terms of builds, too. Get ready for a fight when they show up!


What are the armies you’re most looking forward to for a Good Fight in the new edition?

Author: Adam Harrison
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