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Age of Sigmar: How to Play Orruk Warclans – Bonesplitterz

5 Minute Read
Jul 11 2024
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Today we look into the Bonesplitterz Orruk Warclans faction of Age of Sigmar. Sometimes iron and muscle are no match for warpaint and faith.

Ironjawz aren’t the only Orruks in town, and some of them take a bit of a walk on the wild side. The Bonesplitterz wear little in the way of armor, and they are the feral cousins of the larger Ironjawz. Here are some quick tips for fielding a mob of the wild barbarian hordes, and some creatures to consider for your army.

Who are the Bonesplitterz?

The Bonesplitterz are Orruks who worship Gorkamorka as the lord of those creatures in the Mortal Realms that swim, crawl, or fly; to them he is a primal lord of the hunt that blesses his followers with savage madness.

The feral spirit of Gorkamorka fills the minds of all orruks when they gather in great numbers, making them even more savage than normal. This Waaagh! power is characterised by rolling green energies, and is rightly feared by all who face the greenskins. The Waaagh! is especially important to the Bonesplitterz. When other Orruks get caught up in the mania, it is only for a short while – usually as long as there are things to fight. The Bonesplitterz, however, constantly feel it thrumming through their bones. For them, it is a way of life, and their whole clan is focused around venerating it’s energy.

Why Play Bonesplitterz?

The Bonesplitterz evoke the true feeling of Destruction, a horde of wild, untamed monsters who can ignore pain and unleash havoc with no issue. They can be surprisingly fast, and bury their enemies under waves of crazed green bodies worked into a frenzy by their wild-eyed shamans. Woe betides any monsters that happen to cross their path, because your opponent will find their prized centerpiece models quickly torn down by the manic warriors.


  • There are no better monster slayers out there (in theory)
  • Their attacks can stack pretty fast


  • Very fragile, even with the ward
  • If you don’t take them in reinforced units, you will fold fast
  • No big monster unit for themselves
  • Not really excellent at anything
  • Temporary competitive lifespan- these chaps move to Legends in the Summer of 25′.

Signature Rules

Battle Traits

  • Spring the Trap– A passive +1 to wound on the charge for the whole army.
  • Take da Bait– Three units in the army, picked at deployment, get +1 attacks against any enemy units which have charged in the turn, as long as they haven’t charged in the battle.
  • Bonesplitterz Waaagh!– Once per battle all Priests and Wizards gain a level and all units have a 5+ Ward for the turn.
  • Monster Hunters– One unit per turn in combat with a monster can recieve plus 1 wound and plus one save.

Battle Formations

  • Kunnin’ Rukk– pick one enemy unit per turn- all Arrowboyz get criticals on 5s against that unit.
  • Snaga Rukk– all Cavalry gain Anti-charge (+1 Rend).
  • Kop Rukk– Enemies cannot make Ward rolls when within combat range of any of your Heroes.
  • Brutal Rukk– half your units gain a pre-game move.

Featured Heroic Trait

  • ‘Orrible Leer– Monsters cannot perform Rampage abilities when in combat with this model.

Featured Artefact

  • Glowin’ Tattooz– a nice 4+ Ward save.

Key Bonesplitterz Units

As technically only a fraction of the Orruk Warclans, the Bonesplitterz are a little low on unit choices. However, there are still some standouts to bring to battle

Wurrgog Prophet

This guy makes a great general, and he’s a powerful wizard in his own right. His Mask can surprise an unsuspecting opponent with an absolute grip of shots. His Mask is only once per game now, and it isn’t the slot machine it used to be, but a level two Wizard is a level two Wizard.

Savage Big Boss

Your killy Hero, and the general if you didn’t choose the Prophet. Can let a unit nearby fight immediately after him in the combat phase. Like the prophet, bring one along even if it isn’t your general as he can absolutely spike some damage with his Boss Chompa.


A solid Priest who can also hex enemy wizards with Primal Hex and pump up his ritual points. Great to support your other heroes.


Savage Orruks

The solitary backbone available to a pure Bonesplitterz army- basic Savage Orruks have a lots of wounds, attacks, and hold an objective really well with The Savage Hordes.

Big Stabbas

Two Orruks carrying a massive spear that can ruin just about anything they hit, and if they get killed they can chuck it at something for some final mortal wound damage. Great if you know you’ll be facing monsters or anything tough.

Sample Bonesplitterz Army

Battle Formation: Brutal Rukk

Regiment 1
Wurrgog Prophet (General)
4* Savage Big Stabbas
Savage Big Boss
4* Savage Big Stabbas
4* Savage Big Stabbas

Regiment 2
Wurrgog Prophet
4* Savage Big Stabbas
4* Savage Big Stabbas
Savage Boarboy Maniaks


Regiment 3

How to Play Bonesplitterz

Be as aggressive as you can, and don’t feel bad about losing models, because you will. If there are enemy monsters…soon there won’t be.


Author: Allen Campbell
  • Age of Sigmar: Order Faction Packs Up For Download