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Games Workshop Rumor Engine: ‘Scaly Tail’

3 Minute Read
Jul 9 2024

Games Workshop spilled the beans for this new Rumor Engine. We can all tell it’s a “Scaly Tail” — but from what creature in Warhammer?

Welcome to another Tuesday Rumor Engine and it’s that time again. Games Workshop has dropped a little teaser image and some hints. Only this time they’ve pretty much told us what this one is. See for yourself.

via Warhammer Community

“Okay, so we know what you’re going to say about this one – “That’s easy, Warhammer Community, it’s clearly a lizard tail. It’s the Space Marine lizard cavalry you’ve been promising us for years.” – and our answer will be the same as always, “What? Who are you? Why are you in our office?”

See, look. It’s a scaly tail.”

Rumor Engine – Scaly Tail

So now that we’ve got the image and the text the real question is “can you trust the text?” What I can say is that this does look like a scaly object and you can see the spikes going up (or is it down?) the tail. That much is clear. However, I don’t think this is Space Marine Lizard Cav coming — but how cool would that twist be? What does raise an eyebrow is that GW that they are joking that this is from the Warhammer 40,000 side of things and not the Age of Sigmar line. And we do have some long awaited dinos in that realm…

Is this a teaser for some Aeldari Exodites? That really would be one heck of a turn! But they would fit the bill. They are from the Grimdark and, while they wouldn’t be Space Marine Lizard cavalry, they would totally be Aeldari Lizard cavalry!


We’ve had various pieces of artwork for them over the years so, again, this isn’t just a random mash-up of two things. It might feel a little out of the blue but remember that Rumor Engines can be teasers for things that might not come out for over a year. Are we going to see an Exodite army in 2025?

On the flip side of things, The Age of Sigmar has a ton of scaly creature that could fit the bill. Maybe the Fyreslayers found some new Magmadroth-type creatures to train. Or, ya know, the entire Seraphon faction:


But we did recently get the new Salamander updates. Which is what my first guess for a Seraphon creature would have been. That one had a big redesign.

And the coloring on this one is curious. It’s got some darker bands of scales broken up by a lighter ring of them. That reminds me of a coral snake more than anything else. Ah well. I’m going to let this one stew for a bit. In the meantime, if you’ve got any ideas drop us a line in the comments with what you think it could be. This Rumor Engine is certainly one of those “you know what it is…but you have no idea what it actually is” teasers. Good luck.


A scaly tail with a snake color pattern? This is an odd one.

Author: Adam Harrison
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