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‘Warhammer: The Old World’- The Five Best Ranged Infantry Units

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Jul 10 2024
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Sometimes in Warhammer: The Old World you need to shoot the other guys. These are the best ranged infantry units to get the job done!

We’ve all had our hands on The Old World for a bit. The game is starting to shake out. We’ve gotten a decent look at what is good and bad and how people like to play. Today we are continuing our series looking at the best units form various categories. We’ve looked at basic core infantry, elite heavy infantry and

monstrous infantry. That’s covered most of the close combat infantry in the game, which leaves us to take a look at the ranged ones.

These are often the lighter side of the game’s infantry. Nimble units that can evade and but out ranged fire. We’ve touched on a few hybrid units before, such as Quarrelers, so don’t expect to seem them again, we mostly want units that’s main focus is on some ranged fun.  Today, we are going to focus on the “Core Nine” armies and try to get a bit of variety here.

5. Shadow Warriors – High Elves

Starting off we’ve got a classic High Elf unit. Shadow Warriors are about as good a ranged unit as you get in the High Elf list. BS 5 makes them very accurate shots. They’ve also got a whole host of great special rules to support that, with, Scout, Fire and Flee, and Evasive. They can even get Ambush. Shadow Warriors are going to be where you want them and putting out about as accurate fire as a unit of infantry can. (Sisters of Avelorn as good shots and do get magical attacks, but I think the Shadow Warrior rules are a bit better for ranged units). On the down side… they’ve just got some basic bows which limits what you can do with them.

4. Skeleton Archers – Tomb Kings

Now basic stats-wise, Skeleton Archers are one of the worst ranged-units in the game. However, there is more going on here. Despite having BS 2 they are one of the most accurate units in the game. This is thanks to Arrows of Asaph. This rule lets them ignore any penalty to their to-hit roll. Now The Old World is full of penalties to hit, it’s very rare to not have at least a -1 to hit and common to have up to a -4. Because of this, it’s quite common for your BS 4 or even 5 units to end up hitting on 5s or 6s. Skelton Archers don’t have to worry about that. They will always just hit on a 5+, so even with worse BS they are normally hitting the same or even better than other more elite units.

They also have some strong combos, with easy access to poison for a unit. On top of all that, they are dirt cheap and can be brought back, meaning you can bring a ton of them to the table. Once on the tabletop, you don’t really have to worry about them. The downside, of course, is that they are still hitting with pretty weak attacks. You can buff up one unit to be pretty good but tend to get diminishing returns on them.


3. Border Princes Brigands – Bretonnia

A niche unit, but one that I feel is often overlooked. Brigands are unique to the Bretonnian Exiles list. They are a hybrid unit that has a ton of options. They can have a range of ranged weapons, pistols, crossbows and blunderbusses. On top of that, they can also take Scout, Skirmish, and even Ambush. This, coupled with their weapon options makes them flexible AF. Now, blunderbusses are really what makes this unit. Though limited to a 12 inch range, they get d3 shots, Volley Fire and ignore penalties for range, Multiple Shots or standing and shooting. While only S3 they are AP -1. The range isn’t a huge issue, and this unit can just put out a ton of shots while also threatening charges. Take a look at these guys and be surprised, but be warned, Impetuous does require some careful play.

2. Waywatchers – Wood Elves

Waywatchers are like Shadow Warriors turned up to 11. A BS 5 ranged unit, they get access to just about any special rule a ranged unit could want.  Scout, Skirmish, Vanguard, Ambush, Evasion, Feigned Flight, Fire and Flight, etc., they’ve got access to them all. Played right, they will be where you want them, and putting out shooting that’s about as accurate as you can get. On top of that access to the enchanted arrows makes them both more flexible and deadly then most units on this list, they are more than just a 3s shot. On the downside they aren’t a cheap unit and there is a debate about if they are really worth taking.

1. Irondrakes – Dwarfs


If you’ve noticed a theme in this list, it’s that most of the units on it have a major drawback. Their attacks just aren’t all that strong. Now there are units with stronger ranged attacks in the game, but most of those have their own big drawbacks, such as not being great at hitting at all. Well, Irondrakes are the answer to all your woes here. They are rocking up a with a S5 AP 1 Armorbane 2 attack, making it one of the strongest ranged attack from ranged infantry (a few monstrous infantry do get stronger attacks, but its hard to get them in real numbers). BS 4 makes them a decently accurate unit and Quick Shot takes away one of the most common ranged penalties.

Their champion also has access to some good upgrades. Of real note is the Trollhammer Torpedo which is a devastatingly powerful, and accurate, ranged weapon. T4 and full plate means they are also one of the toughest ranged units in the game. They are also a unit that can be taken as a detachment. No other ranged infantry unit hits like they do, and that puts them at the top of this list.

Let us know what you think of this list, down in the comments! 

Author: Abe Apfel
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