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Age of Sigmar: Death Faction Packs Available For Download – Mortarchs On The March

4 Minute Read
Jul 11 2024

Grand Alliance Death is here with their faction pack downloads for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. Death comes for us all!

Games Workshop is continuing their roll out of all the faction packs for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. Today, we’ve got death knocking on the door with a set of free downloads. And, in case you missed them, we’ve also got the Core Rules and Points, Order Faction Packs, and Chaos Faction Packs up for grabs.

via Warhammer Community

“The Supreme Lord of the Undeath commands terrible Mortarchs, each with legions of vampires, ghosts, ghouls, bone constructs, and the waking dead at their beck and call, waging war against the living in an endless tide.

Some of Nagash’s lieutenants, like Neferata and Mannfred, scheme behind their master’s back, while others, like his disciple Arkhan, are fiercely loyal. They nevertheless all fight to usher in Nagash’s promised necrotopia, where the corrupting influence of life will find no purchase.”

Death Faction Pack Downloads

Flesh-Eater Courts


Soulblight Gravelords


Ossiarch Bonereapers

As a fun aside, Nagash has a warscroll in every Death Faction Pack. It makes sense as he’s the Supreme Lord of Undeath. But that also means if you have him in your collection you’re basically halfway to playing any of the armies in Death.

So he might be worth picking up if you have a Death army or were looking to dabble a bit. Now, as far as the rest of the faction packs, they are pretty much what you’d expect going in. If you don’t know what’s in them, I covered that with all with the Order Faction Pack write-up.


For me, I’m really taking a closer look at the Battle Formations for the armies I play. It’s interesting to see how much these have been changed. They really make a big impact on how your army will function in the new edition. They also tend to push your army into a particular playstyle.

When combined with the Battle Traits you can really start to form an idea in your head of how you want to play this particular army. Then you can start to poke at the Heroic Traits, artefacts, and spells to look for synergies. And then finally get into the Warscrolls for the units that will play into that strategy.

As an example let’s take the Ossiarch Bonereapers. The Mortek Ballistari really benefits the most from running 3 Mortek Crawler Units. While you can run less, you’re kind of missing out on that Battle Formation bonus. This is pushing you to take 3 to maximize the benefit. But is there a Battle Trait that could push that even further? Not directly. But odds are good you’re going to stick a Mortisan Ossifector near them for the Deathly Barrage ability.


And if you’re going to do that the Heroic Trait Aura of Sterility makes counter-fire less effective. Or if you’re worried about  being charged, Diversionary Tactics could cut down on charge distances, too. Circling back to the Battle Traits with a hero nearby you’ve got tons of options.

Anyhow, you get the idea. Look for the things that “fit” together in these Faction Packs and you’ll be a lot better off than just taking stuff randomly. There’s a lot to chew on within these packs so get to studying!

The Download Dates

Today also marks the third Faction Pack release. GW is going to drop the Destruction Faction Packs tomorrow. At that point, the flood gates are all the way open and you can play every army in the game for AoS 4.0!

See you on the tabletop.

Author: Adam Harrison
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