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Warhammer 40K Hot Mess: – Top 5 Reasons The Lord of Change Needs to Change

4 Minute Read
May 30 2024

Tzeentch, good buddy, you really need to change the Lord of Change. Here’s why he’s a big Hot Mess in Warhammer 40K 10th Edition right now.

Goatboy here with a quick rundown on how much my Lord of Change sucked during the Dallas GW Open event a few weekends ago.  I took this guy because he is one of my better painted models (which did help me get into the showcase which is pretty sweet) for the Chaos Daemon army.  Still no matter how good he looked with some nice blending of red to blue he still just… just sucked.  He was not very good and these are the top 5 reasons why he was terrible for me.

5. Lord of Change Couldn’t Survive ANY Damage at Him

I don’t know what it is about this Giant Super Change Chicken.  It cannot take a hit.  I would saunter out from behind Belakor, roll some dice, and then watch as the opponent got upset and shot this poor Daemon bird in the face.  Hey a 4+ save means you should make half your saves right?  Oh how about none of your saves and watch him change into a puff of smoke and sadly floating fevers?  This bird just never survived any attention beyond the one given to him by players who thought he was painted decently.

4. Lord of Change’s AP -2 Just Sucks

Its shooting attack is AP -2 which is pretty terrible.  It is so big that no matter what you are shooting through, some kind of terrain has granted the target cover.  This means this super magic laser shot is hitting now at AP -1 which is just a completely bummer.  I don’t care how many 6’s I rolled to hit if you can’t get past a 2+ Meganob Ork in cover you are just an expensive monster not worth the cost.

3. Rolling a D3 for the Lord of Change’s Damage Sucks

3-Wound models taking 3 magic laser hits to finally die is pretty awful.  You mix that in with some of these things having a 4+ FNP when they are mad and you start to wonder how this 6-man unit of jerks is just going to chainsaw your Giant Super Change Chicken.  The sheer joy of getting a chance to get damage through is quickly ruined by just having to roll a D3 each time and watching that 1 or 2 roll to the top of the die.  Why can’t it be D3+1?  Why can’t it just be better? This is a Greater Daemon of Chaos after all!


2. Terrible Close Combat Attacks are Terrible

I tried assaulting twice in this event and each time the Giant Super Change Chicken would saunter over, flail around, and watch as nothing died.  I tried to kill 4 horses from a Guard player and watched as 1 was left at the end of my “attacks”.  That dang horse fell back and allowed that mean ole Leman Russ to show me the business end of a barrage of murderous bullets.  I don’t need the Lord of Change to be a murder beast but this is a Greater Daemon of Tzeentch.  They should know how to punch something good.

1. Lord of Change Just Doesn’t Do Enough For Nearby Allies

I think all Greater Daemons should be locuses for their god’s power.  Things like the Great Unclean one giving out Feel No Pain or how Be’lakor helps his buddies.  Even the Keeper of Secrets can push things up in AP for those friendly around him to help bust through that tough armor.  The Lord of Change gives you an extra point of strength but wouldn’t it just be better to get an extra pip of AP?  Or Gasp!... making things shots ignore cover?  Or just… anything better than a point of strength that sometimes helps if you shooting something super tough?

I loved painting the model but really wish the Giant Super Change Chicken was better.  All my losses were close and each time I thought – if I only had more Keepers of Secrets I would have done better in this game.  He just doesn’t feel right beyond being able to do some dumb stuff like poke a sword or wing through a gap in the terrain to fire off some mind bullets that don’t do jack to the enemy.


Next week will get back to 40K lists of stuff that are cool as we look at different factions.  The Lord of Change was just so annoying all weekend while looking so dang cool it was frustrating.  It was almost as bad as finding the bag of Gummy candy I bought was left in the car and slowly became one complete Gummy due to the start of the Texas heat.

Tzeentch and his change shenanigans never stop.

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