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Age of Sigmar: Destruction Faction Packs Out Now – Might Makes Right

3 Minute Read
Jul 12 2024

The forces of Grand Alliance Destruction have gotten their Faction Packs. Now there’s no excuse — It’s Age of Sigmar time!

Games Workshop has rolled Warhammer: Age of Sigmar’s latest edition this week with a series of downloads. We’ve gotten the Core Rules and Points. GW also dropped the faction packs for Order, Chaos, and Death. Now we’ve got the Destruction set of faction packs to check out.

via Warhammer Community

“The forces of Destruction are everywhere in the Mortal Realms, rampaging hordes which fight to tear down civilization and replace it with the oldest rule of the world – might makes right.

These crude and armies are disparate and prone to infighting, but their belief in the right of strength unites them – more or less – under the banners of mighty warlords and living gods such as Gordrakk, Skragrott, King Brodd, and Kragnos, the End of Empires.”

Destruction Faction Packs

Orruk Warclans (Includes Ironjawz and Kruleboyz) Faction Pack Download

Gloomspite Gitz Faction Pack Download

Sons of Behemat Faction Pack Download


Ogor Mawtribes Faction Pack Download

Additionally there is also the Bonesplitterz full digital Battletome available for download.

“The primal orruks of the Bonesplitterz are also receiving a full digital battletome which contains all of the lore for these peerless monster hunters, as well as all the rules you need to run them: Battle Traits, four Battle Formations, Heroic Traits, Artefacts of Power, Spell and Prayer Lores, including 10 warscrolls covering all of your units. They’ll be matched play legal for an entire year, so you can run riot with an impressive Waaagh!”

Destruction Is A Force of Nature


Much like the previous faction pack downloads these all have the same goodies we’ve come to expect. If you need a complete breakdown check out the Order Faction Packs article to see that.

It’s worth noting that similarly to Nagash, Kragnos is available in each army with a slightly modified Warscroll. So if you’re looking to dip your toe into the various Destruction Factions he’s worth bringing along.

Personally, I’m just glad this week is wrapping up. Now we’ve gotten faction packs for every single army. The only other download is the Regiments of Renown and Legends download coming out next Monday. But, at this point, we’ve basically got the new edition available for download.

If you are an Age of Sigmar fan now is the time. Get out there this weekend and go play some games with the new edition!



All of your army rules are now available for free from Games Workshop. You know what to do!

Author: Adam Harrison
  • Age of Sigmar: Chaos Faction Pack Out Now - Chaos Pantheon Arises